Tobias Ludwig

Degree Program: MA


Tobias grew up in Melsungen, Germany, and graduated from the University of Kassel in 2022 with a Bachelor of Education in Economics, Business Education, and English. Currently, Tobias is pursuing a German M.A. at the University of Alabama as a scholar of the Verband der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Clubs, and a master’s at the University of Kassel. With his teaching background in vocational schools, Tobias teaches UA students learning German as a second language. He also served as the German House director in the fall of 2022 and the spring of 2023 where he supported cultural exchange and communication for undergraduate students interested in German. Tobias’ research interest is focused on Business German and Languages for Specific Purposes. Outside of school, Tobias enjoys going to the gym, playing pickleball, watching sports events, and reading non-fiction books on all kinds of subjects.