The Experience of Ancient Battle: Greek Infantry Combat and Modern Riot Control

Gorgas Library 205 , United States

Prof. Jon E. Lendon, of the Corcoran Department of History at the University of Virginia, will present a talk entitled "The Experience of Ancient Battle: Greek Infantry Combat and Modern Riot Control.” Comparing ancient and modern tactics, Prof. Lendon seeks to "explain the mechanics of Greek hoplite combat and also the subjective experience of battle…


LACLS Film Series

324 Lloyd Hall

The first screening of the Spring 2019 LACLS Film Series is this Wednesday, January 30th, at 6:30 p.m. in Lloyd Hall 324. We will be showing the film Nostalgia de

LACLS Spring 2019 Film Series: Coraje

Screening of Peruvian director Alberto Durant’s Coraje (1999). The real life story of María Elena Moyano, a woman fighting against terrorism by the infamous Shining Path terrorist group in Peru on behalf of an oppressed population. Free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

Free admission

LACLS Film Series

Bevill 0009

Ixcanul (dir. Jayro Bustamante, 2015)
