Second Language Studies

Second Language Studies is an interdisciplinary field that explores how individuals use, learn, and teach second (or additional) languages. MLC faculty in this research network investigate a wide range of issues related to second language acquisition, bilingual and heritage language education, language for specific purposes, language pedagogy, curriculum and materials development, intercultural learning, technology-enhanced learning, experiential learning, teacher education and professional learning, language program administration, language policy and planning, and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) broadly understood.

Language pedagogy and curriculum development; language program administration; systemic functional linguistics; second language writing; language teacher education; reflective teaching and learning

Corinne Crane

Associate Professor of German, German Language Program Director 

Language pedagogy and curriculum development; language program administration; systemic functional linguistics; second language writing; language teacher education; reflective teaching and learning

Second language acquisition, intercultural competence, attitudes, beliefs and stereotypes, empathy, affective dimensions of foreign language learning, project-based learning, French for specific purposes

Isabelle Drewelow

Associate Professor of French and Applied Linguistics

Second language acquisition, intercultural competence, attitudes, beliefs and stereotypes, empathy, affective dimensions of foreign language learning, project-based learning, French for specific purposes

Gender Studies, Women Writers, Early Modernity, Social Justice, Hegemony and Power, Queer Theory

Xabier Granja

Assistant Professor of Spanish, Spanish Undergraduate Director

Gender studies, women writers, Early Modernity, social justice, hegemony and power, queer theory

Bilingualism, code-switching, methodology, processing, pronouns, second language acquisition, and syntax

Bryan Koronkiewicz

Associate Professor of Spanish Linguistics

Bilingualism, code-switching, methodology, processing, pronouns, second language acquisition, and syntax

Annemarie Lisko

Annemarie Lisko

Instructor of Italian 

20th Century Italian history and literature, political history, memory studies, translation and translation theory, representations of Italian language and history in international media


Victoria Pei

Instructor of Chinese

Applied linguistics, teaching methodology, formative assessments, self-assessment, heritage speakers

Laura Rubio

Assistant Professor of Spanish, Spanish 100-200 Level Program Director

Applied linguistics, teaching methodology, formative assessments, self-assessment, heritage speakers

Linguistics, Francophone studies, international trade, geopolitics, second language acquisition

K. Maxime Vignon

Assistant Professor of French, Coordinator of Affairs for African and International Graduate Students in French

Linguistics, Francophone studies, international trade, geopolitics, second language acquisition

Andrew Word

Instructor of Spanish

Xiang Zhang

Chinese Program Director, Instructor of Chinese, Director of Alabama in China, Advisor for Chinese Culture Club

Bilingualism, heritage language education, language schooling, Chinese literacy, language and identity