Gina Stamm

Associate Professor of French
Acting Director of Graduate Studies

  • email:
  • phone (205) 348-5059
  • office location BB Comer Hall 216


  • PhD in French Emory University 2016, certificates in Psychoanalytic Studies and Comparative Literature
  • MA in French Miami University 2010


Dr. Stamm’s research is concentrated on the environmental humanities and speculative literatures of the 20th and 21st centuries, from Surrealism to contemporary science fiction and feminist utopias, in Metropolitan France and the francophone Caribbean.


Selected Publications

Mevlido’s Dreams. Translation of Antoine Volodine’s novel Songes de Mevlido. Univocal, University of Minnesota Press.

“Future Rhizomes: Alternatives to Racial Capitalism?” L’Esprit Créateur, vol. 64 no. 1, 2024, p. 130-143. Project MUSE

“Material Ecocriticism: Reading the Nonhuman World.”  ECO-CONCEPTS: Critical Reflexions in Emerging Ecocritical Theory and Ecological Thought. Eds. Cenk Tan, İsmail Serdar Altaç. Rowman & Littlefield 2024. pp. 157-166.

“Passing and Intergenerational Trauma in Ladivine and The Vanishing Half” in Trans- vol 29, 2024. Online

Le Corps lesbien: Materiality without Abjection.” Yale French Studies 142, November 2023, pp.21-32.

“L’écologie queer et l’écologie du queer chez Jean Giono” Forthcoming in Ecozon@

“Francophone Ecopoetics” in The Routledge Companion to Ecopoetics. Ed. Julia Fiedorczuk et al. Routledge Fall 2023.

“’I know of no diaries or histories’: The Forgotten African-Americans on the Front Lines of World War I” in Questions de communication vol.2 n° 42, 2022, pp 455 à 467

“Reconstituer le corps d’Eurydice: Le mythe d’Orphée chez Monique Wittig” in Corps et Mythes : (In)Visibilisations du Féminin. Ed. Metka Zupancik and Brigitte Le Juez       Brill, 2021.

Animal Végétal: Plants and Transhumanism in Contemporary French Literature.” French Forum. Volume 46, Number 1, Spring 2021, pp. 69-82.

“Nature Writing as a Frontier of 20th-Century Poetics.” Sites: 20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies, vol. 25:2, June 2021, p 163-171.

“La Ville suffisamment bonne: Aimer la ville sans pitié” in Ces lieux qui nous affectent: Production de sens, enjeu de connaissance, dimension opératoire. Ed. Georges-Henry Laffont and Denis Martouzet. February 2021.

“Cannibal Plants: Tropiques and Martinican Aesthetics.” Women in French Studies, vol. 27, 2019, p. 131-142.

“For a Literature of DéracinementRevue critique de fixxion française, No. 19 “Fictions ‘Françaises,’” 2019, p. 27-36. 

“Inventing a Vegetal Post-Exotic in the Work of Antoine Volodine.” Ecozon@:European Journal of Literature, Culture, and Environment, Vol 10 No 2 (2019) special issue:       “Ecological n(ter)ventions in the Francophone World,” p.42-57

“Postpastoral and the Nonmodern: Jean Giono’s Engagement with Nature.” Studies in 20th and 21st Century Literature Vol. 43: Iss. 1, Article 6.; special issue “Engaging the Pastoral: Social, Environmental, and Artistic Critique,” December 2018.

“Embodiment and Aging in Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein.” Mosaic 51.2, June 2018.