Claudia Romanelli

Associate Professor of Italian
Italian Program Director
Italian Undergraduate Advisor


  • PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Dr. Romanelli’s research focuses on Italian cinema in the context of world cinema, the Italian screenplay, collaborative authorship, postcolonial studies, mixed- and intermedia. She is a generalist in Italian literature with an emphasis on the modern and contemporary periods. She is currently working on a book manuscript on Pier Paolo Pasolini and Federico Fellini.

Selected Publications

  • “Piecing together the life and career of my grandfather, Dotts Johnson: Interview with Luvada A. Harrison.” Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies (November 2023) DOI:
  • “Viaggiando di spiaggia in spiaggia: Pasolini cronista di un’estate ne La lunga strada di sabbia.” Studi pasoliniani: Numero speciale per il centenario della nascita di Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-2022) 16 (2022): 115-128.
  • “Contaminazione formale e culturale ne Il padre selvaggio di Pier Paolo Pasolini.” Romance Notes 59.3 (2019): 435-446.
  • “From dialogue writer to screenwriter: Pier Paolo Pasolini at work for Federico Fellini.” Journal of Screenwriting 10:3 (September 2019): 323-337.
  • “French and Italian Co-Production Redux: The Fondo Initiative.” Contemporary European Cinema: Crisis Narratives and Narratives in Crisis. Eds. Betty Kaklamanidou and Ana Corbalán. New York: Routledge, 2019. 119-133.
  • “Quel che resta di pulp in Stabat Mater di Tiziano Scarpa.” Forum Italicum 52.3 (November 2018): 763–787.
  • “A Screenplay in the Form of a Comic Strip: Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Drawings for La terra vista dalla luna.” Italian Studies 72. 3 (2017): 292-308.
  • “French and Italian Co-Productions and the Limits of Transnational Cinema.” Journal of Italian Cinema and
    Media Studies
    4.1 (January 2016): 25-50.
  • “Pasolini collaboratore di Fellini: Analisi del contributo dato da Pier Paolo Pasolini alla scrittura de Le notti di Cabiria.” The Italianist Film 35. 2 (June 2015): 212-233.
  • “La novella di Tedaldo degli Elisei e la revitalizzazione della precettistica medievale nel Decameron.” Carte italiane 2. 5 (2009): 1-22.
  • “La rappresentazione dell’alterità ne Le fate ignoranti di Ferzan Ozpetek.” Diversity, Otherness, and Pluralism in Italian Literature, Cinema, Language, and Pedagogy: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Eds. Filomena Calabrese et al. New York: Legas, 2009. 239-249.