Guest Lecture, Dr. Lindsay Driediger-Murphy – “Roman Gods and Civil War”

Recent decades have seen a resurgence of scholarly interest in the phenomenon of civil war at Rome and how survivors coped with this. However, the question of what impact the civil wars had on Roman religion remains understudied. In this talk, I will argue that civil war posed problems for Romans on a divine level,…


LACLS Spring 2019 Film Series: Los Rubios

Screening of Argentine director Albertina Carri’s film Los rubios (2003). The film's director searches for her disappeared parents. Can she get to the truth or did all who lived the dictatorship create an imagined fiction? Free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

Free admission

LACLS Spring 2019 Film Series: O ano em que meus pais sairam de ferias

Screening of Brazilian director Cao Hamburger’s film O ano em que meus pais saíram de férias (2006). In 1970, a boy is left alone in a Jewish neighbourhood of São Paolo, where both the dictatorship and World Cup are taking place. Free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. 

Free admission

MLC Meet and Greet Reception

200 BB Comer B. B. Comer, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Beginning of Year MLC Meet and Greet Reception All MLC faculty, graduate students and staff are welcome for introductions and refreshments. Significant others, kids, etc. welcome. Hope to see you

LACLS Film Series

Bevill 0009

Ixcanul (dir. Jayro Bustamante, 2015)
