Undergraduate Advising in Spanish

SP Major/Minor Advisor

Dr. Xabier Granja is the current undergraduate advisor (UGA) for Spanish majors and minors. You may contact him in any of the ways specified below, or you can also visit the Spanish Advising FAQ:

Email: xgranja@ua.edu
Office: 224 BB Comer Hall

Do you have questions about your enrollment? Join me either in person at BB Comer 224 (with an appointment) or via Zoom (during regular hours) and we will get you some answers! You can come to Zoom advising during regular hours with no prior appointment. If you come via zoom, you will be placed into a virtual waiting room while the advisor is finishing up with the previous inquiring student. Please be patient; some consults are brief, but others can take 10 or 20 minutes. If you cannot attend during regular office hours, please email me to request an appointment at a different time. If you cannot reach the UGA, you can call our main office at (205) 348-5059.

Advising schedule during the semester:

Tuesdays: 12:30–1:30pm (Zoom link)
Wednesdays: 12:30–1:30pm (Zoom link)
Thursdays: 12:30–1:30pm (Zoom link)
During the Summer, advising takes place via Zoom appointments only.

Please follow these instructions to expedite advising:

  1. Please be sure to include your CWID in any advising communications to speed up the process.
  2. All students need to sign one Advising DocuSign form the day before their advising session (not earlier). This will serve as a record of your consult with the advisor and enable any exceptions that might be needed later on. Even if you only need to clear your PIN, you must complete a DocuSign form and attend a brief advising session.
  3. Please fill in the DocuSign with the following information:
    1. Contact information:
      1. Student name
        Student email
      2. Advisor: Xabier Granja
        Email: xgranja@ua.edu
      3. No need to fill-in anything under Optional Review.
    2. When you get to the form, just include your Name, Major, Minor (if any) and your CWID. You don’t need to fill in anything else.

You might also find the self-guide for majors and the self-guide for Minors useful to navigate the requirements of the Spanish program.