Dürrenmatt Dienstag

357 Russell Hall

Join us as we celebrate Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Swiss artist and author. Presentations will be given on his works by the German graduate students and his art will be presented by a German undergraduate. The evening will be in German and English, so all levels are welcome. RSVP Introduction will be given by Peter Zimmerli, the


329 Lloyd Hall

Join us as we celebrate Switzerland. We will discuss the language, culture, and all things that make Switzerland great. There will be some fun trivia and discussions to be had. The evening will be in German and English, so all levels are welcome. RSVP Introduction will be given by Fabienne Egli, Coordinator Public Diplomacy &



329 Lloyd Hall

Spring 2021 Events Each indoor event has 24 seats. Event will follow proper COVID distancing guidelines. Masks required.  


Bryce Lawn 508 Bryce Lawn, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Join German Club members and faculty for Oktoberfest. Food will be provided. Please bring club dues or $5 for the event.

Trivia night

241 BB Comer Hall

Join the German Club for an evening of German related trivia on the language, culture, history, geography, and much more.


241 BB Comer Hall

Join us for our second film in the "Made in Austria" series.


Bryce Lawn 508 Bryce Lawn, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Join the German and Italian Club at the German House for a cooking event. We will be cooking dishes from both countries. Please pay dues or bring $5 to the event.


241 BB Comer Hall

Join the German Club for the last film in the "Made in Austria" series.