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Selected Publications

  • Drewelow, I., Koronkiewicz, B., & Range, R. (in press). Rethinking and shifting discourses and practices of “testing”: From accuracy to engagement with situated contexts. In B. Dupuy & K. Michelson (Eds.), Pathways to Paradigm Change: Critical Examinations of Prevailing Discourses and Ideologies in Second Language Education (pp. 45-74). Boston: Cengage.
  • Koronkiewicz, B. (in press). Subject-predicate code-switching: Testing the need of a matrix language through embedding. In A. Morales-Front, M. J. Ferreira, R. P. Leow & C. Sanz (Eds.), Hispanic Linguistics: Current Issues and New Directions. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • Koronkiewicz, B. (2019). Control stimuli in experimental code-switching research. Languages, 4(3), 67. doi:10.3390/languages4030067.
  • Ebert, S., & Koronkiewicz, B. (2018). Monolingual data as a foundation for analyzing code-switching data. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 8(1), 25-66. doi:10.1075/lab.16007.ebe
  • Koronkiewicz, B. (2018). Acquiring L1-English L2-Spanish code-switching: The role of exposure to language mixing. Languages, 3(3), 26. doi:10.3390/languages3030026
  • Koronkiewicz, B., & Ebert, S. (2018). Modality in experimental code-switching research: Aural versus written stimuli. In L. López (Ed.), Code-switching – Experimental Answers to Theoretical Questions (pp. 147-176). Philadelphia: John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/ihll.19.06kor
  • Miller, A. M., Morgan, W. J., & Koronkiewicz, B. (2018). Like or tweet: Analysis of the use of Facebook and Twitter in the language classroom. TechTrends, 63(5), 550-558. doi:10.1007/s11528-018-0341-2
  • González-Vilbazo, K., & Koronkiewicz, B. (2016). Tú y yo can code-switch, nosotros cannot: Pronouns in Spanish-English code-switching. In R. E. Guzzardo Tamargo, C. Mazak & M. C. Parafita Cuoto (Eds.), Spanish-English Code-switching in the Caribbean and the US (pp. 237-260). Philadelphia: John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/ihll.11.10gon
  • Morgan, W. J., Miller, A. M., & Koronkiewicz, B. (2016). Digital literacy and social media in the foreign language classroom. The Language Educator 11(4), 32-35.
  • González-Vilbazo, K., Bartlett, L., Downey, S., Ebert, S., Heil, J., Hoot, B., Koronkiewicz, B., & Ramos, S. E. (2013). Methodological considerations in code-switching research. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 6(1), 118-138. doi:10.1515/shll-2013-1143